Human Doing

Human Doing tells a story about different faces of the human life, and is a thoughtful and beautiful journey expressed through dance, physical theater and video art.

The one man performance displays the relation between thoughts, feelings and actions, and how we as humans choose to cope with them.

Performance duration: 35 min.

To book the performance please email your request to 

The whole performance can be viewed online upon request

Review by Aarhusculture (a Aarhus based cultural blog)
Review by Terpsichore (a danish magazine about dance as performing arts)
HUMAN DOING trailer on Vimeo
HUMAN DOING teaser on Vimeo
Behind the Photoshoot with Paw Friis by Jonas Risvig 

Produced by
Created, choreographed and performed by Jon Stage
Visual effects by Jens Willads Ullerup
Lightdesign by Johan Kvartborg & Stefan Christiansen
Music by Hvadkant
Sound mixed by Andrius Jagelavicius
Photography by Paw Friis
Filmed by Frederik Foltved, Azagew Negash & Thomas Porup
Edited by Frederik Foltved & Jon Stage

Minimum stage space 5*5 meters, with 3 meters to ceiling
7 fresneller, 3 profiles, 2 Moving Heads (if possible)
Light mixer with minimum of 12 channels
A PA system of good quality matching the number of audiences
4.000 Ansi Lumen projector
Possibilty for hanging 2 curtains messuring 3*3 meters (together) from ceiling with straps, creating the scenography
Possiblity for hanging up 2 strings to lower clothes from ceiling (done by technician)
A stage technician ( can provide a professional technician)
Setup time 4 hours / Deconstruction 1 hour

Supported by Ungepuljen in Silkeborg Kommune

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